
Chapter 11: In the War Zone

【】Binh Phuoc (Bình Phước) Village 平福村
Binh Phuoc is on south of Vietnam

【】Novice Monk Ha Van Dinh 沙彌夏文定

【】Tet Offensive &  May Offensive 1968 春節攻勢
bombing 1968
May offensive

【】Professor Chau Tam Luan 周心倫教授

【】Japan Quakers (Religious Society of Friends, Japan)日本基督教教友會( 貴格會)
the religious organizations which arose out of a Christian movement in mid-17th century England
A Quaker Action group sailed to North Vietnam to bring medical supplies(~1971)

【】Masako Yamanouchi 山內真子??

latrine , 2010
【】Nurse in vietnam
nurse or nun
【】 Thay Thanh Van 清聞法師(no informaton found) ( - 1972)

To be Continued...