
Chapter 17: The Boat People

World Conference in Religion and Peace, WCRP 世界宗教和平會議
Religions for Peace, full name World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP) is a large international coalition of representatives from the world’s religions dedicated to promoting peace founded in 1970.
In Asia, the ACRP started in September 1974 at Louvain, Belgium, among Asian delegates attending the Second Assembly of the World Conference on Religion and Peace.

 The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR 聯合國難民專員公署(since 1950)

 United Press International UPI美聯社

 Agence France AFP法新社

 Lisaka Yoshiaki飯坂良明 (1926-2003)
He was born in Toyama Prefecture on March 30, 1926. He graduated from the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Law with a major in Political Economics in 1948. Mr. Iisaka was also a member of the Japan Council Committee of the World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP), the director of the Peace Research Institute, the secretary-general of the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace (ACRP).

 Mau Chay Rout Mem [腸破血流]拯救方案 (Máu Chảy Ruột Mềm) more

 Roland (ship) 貨船羅蘭號
 Leapdal (ship)貨船利普特號

sister Chan Khong on Leapdal 1977

 Black Mark (ship)??小船黑印號

 Jacques Gasseau French Ambassador in Singapore 法國註新加坡大使: 傑克.伽索
taller one (1977)

 Perth, Australia 澳洲,佩斯
top view

 Refugee travel document (/ ID card)難民身份證明書

 Melbourne, Australia 澳洲,墨爾本

 Henry Kamm(1925- ) New York Times 紐約時報記者:亨利.甘

 Trad, Thailand 泰國,拉德
The province is close to Chanta Buri and Cambodia in the North and adjacent to the Gulf of Thailand in the South. The east is separated from Cambodia by Buntud Mount Range eastwards from the middle of the province.

 Refugee camp, Thailand泰國難民營

 Conference on boat people, Geneva??日內瓦船民問題會議

 Gulf of Siam暹羅灣

breathe... to be continued