● Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu (Madame Ngô Ðình Nhu) 吳廷儒夫人 (1924-2011)
Her own name is Trần Lệ Xuân 陳麗春.
...Madame Nhu described the deadly attacks on the Buddhists as "the happiest day in my life since we crushed the Bình Xuyên in 1955", and assailed them as "communists.".... Madame Nhu was publicly disowned by her parents. Her father, Trần Văn Chương, the ambassador to the United States, resigned in protest.
...She denounced American liberals as "worse than communists" and Buddhists as "hooligans in robes". Her father did not share the same beliefs and followed her around the country rebutting her comments, denouncing the "injustice and oppression" and stating that his daughter had "become unwittingly the greatest asset to the communists."
(a blog in Chinese with photos; youtube video I, II )
(a) (b) news about her death in Italy, in 2011)
Dragon lady: Madame Nhu |
● Ngô Ðình Nhu 吳廷儒 (1910 – 1963)
The younger brother and chief political advisor of South Vietnam's first president, Ngô Ðình Diệm (吳廷琰)
On November 1, 1963 he and his brother Ngô Ðình Diệm were assassinated in a coup d'état led by General Dương Văn Minh who later became the President of the Republic of Vietnam in 1975.
(Extra information: the US president J.F. Kennedy was assassinated few weeks later i.e. 22 Nov, 1963. What a coincidence!)
Ngô Ðình Nhu |
● Thay Thien Minh (Thích Thiện Minh) 善明法師 (1922-1978)
He was tortured and killed in the prison in 1978. Thay Nhat Hanh 禪師釋一行 wrote a poem/song to memorize Thay Thien Minh: "Mây trắng thong dong" (白雲悠悠)(Floating while cloud)
Thich Thien Minh (the one with glasses, in the front row) |
● Thay Quang Lien (Thích Quảng Liên) 廣蓮法師 (1926-2009)
(refer chapter 4)
Thích Quảng Liên |
● "Tin Tuong" magazine<<信想>>雜誌
● Provinces:
Phan Thiet 藩切
Quang Nam廣南
Quang Tri廣治
Quang Ngai廣義
Nha Trang芽莊
Qui Nhon歸仁
Cho Lon堤岸
● La Vang 羅嶸村 (at Quang Tri province)
In 1961, the Catholic bishops of Vietnam selected the Church of La Vang as the National Sacred Marian Centre.
2008 |
● Ngo Dinh Thuc (Phêrô Máctinô Ngô Đình Thục) (1897-1984) 吳延俶主教
His younger brother, Ngô Đình Diệm吳延琰 , was the first president of South Vietnam. He was the Roman CatholicArchbishop of Huế, Vietnam. Ngo's family controlled the South Vietnam in 1960s'.
Ngo Dinh Thuc (with Ngo's family) |
● Ngo Dinh Diem 吳延琰 (1901-1963)
He was the first President of South Vietnam (1955–1963)
Assassinated at 1963 |
● Tu Dam Pagoda (Chau Tu Dam) 慈曇寺 (at Hue順化)
Tu Dam Pagoda is one of the biggest and oldest pagodas in Hue. The pagoda was founded at the end of the 17th century (in about 1695) by the Venerable Minh Hoang Tu Dung, a Chinese who belonged to the 34th sect of the Lam Te school of Zen. He was the high-ranking monk who taught and gave the certification to monk Lieu Quan, the Buddhist initiator of Vietnam in the south. Tu Dam Pagoda is famous and nationally known for its important role in the process of development of Buddhism, and the struggle for peace and for freedom of religion.
one side of the entrance |
the other side of the entrance |
● Thay Tri Quang 智光長老(1924- )(his name should be 釋智廣)
(time magazine)
all in yellow robe |
at the Tu Dam Pagoda 1966 |
● Thay Tinh Khiet (Thích Tịnh Khiết) 淨潔長老 (1890-1973)
● Voice of America , VOA website in Vietnamese
● BBC in Vietnamese
● Buddhist Flag by Henry Steel Olcott(1832 – 1907)
Buddhist Flag |
● Thay Quang Duc (Thích Quảng Đức) (1897 – 11 June 1963)
Thay Quang Duc |
(** If you are too young, please invite your parents to give you support when you watch this clip.)
The heart of Thay Quảng Đức (Quả tim bất diệt) |
● The intersection of Phan Dinh Phung 潘定諷街 (street in Saigon) &
Le Van Duyet 李文悅街(street in Saigon)
recent year |
● Thay Tam Giac 心覺法師(1917 - 1973)
Thay Tam Giac (right) |
● World Fellowship of Buddhists 世界佛教友誼會 (1) (2)
● Soviet Union 蘇聯 (1922 - 1991)
● The President J.F. Kennedy 甘迺迪總統 (1917-1963)
● Self-immolation monks and nuns:
Thay Nguyen Huong 願向法師
Dieu Quang 妙光尼師
Thay Thanh Tue 清慧法師
Thay Giac Duc 覺德法師
● Nga 娥(Sister CK's elder sister)
● Vu Van Mau (Vũ Văn Mẫu) 武文牡 (1914 - 1998)
Vũ Văn Mẫu was South Vietnam's ambassador to Britain, Belgium and The Netherlands in the 1960s. In the early 1970s, he was elected Senator of the Republic where he became a prominent national politician. In 1975, he became Prime Minister of the Republic of Vietnam under President Dương Văn Minh.
Vu Van Mau (man in white shirt with glasses) |
● Dien Hong province 延洪
● Quach Thi Trang 郭詩月(1948- 1963)
She, a 16-year old high school student, was killed by government troops during student protest against president Ngo Dinh Diem, 25 August 1963.
Quach Thi Trang Square, in Ho Chi Minh City |
● Mai Tuyet An 梅雪安??
● Professor Bourrelly??
● Professor Feldmann??
● Columbia University, in New York 美國紐約哥倫比亞大學
● United Nation 聯合國
The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.
● New York Times紐約時報, <The Pentagon Papers>
● Steve??
● Thich Nu Tri Hai (1928-2003) 釋女智海 (1) (2) (3)
Charity work in early year |
... was born in Hue, a royal family. She studied many languages and later became a teacher in Van Hanh Buddist University (Vietnam). In 1960's, she studies the Master Degree in Princeton University. As a author and translator, she wrote a Pali-English-Vietnamese Dictionary. She also introduced many philosophers's masterpieces to Vietnam eg. Gandhi, Krishnamurti, Tagore, Erich Fromm.
In the late 70s, she was imprisoned for 4 years by the Vietnamese government for having signed a manifesto demanding democracy for Vietnam.
Since her early age, she spent lots of her time on charity work. Unfortunately, in 2003, she died in a traffic accident , on the way back to university, after she finished the charity work at leprosarium 痲瘋病院.
※(Ven. Tri Hai, 1928-2003) 生於順化,後來成為一位多產的學者和譯師,作品達64種之多,其中包含一部巴英越大辭典、介紹藏傳佛教的諸多書籍,還有介紹當代哲學家如:甘地(Gandhi)、克裡希納穆提的眾多著作。智海大師亦投注許多時間和心力於眾多慈善活動中;在一次慈善活動的回程中,智海法師不幸遭遇車禍,意外辭世。